Congratulations to our lucky winner and only entrant, for correctly naming St. Benedict in the "one of these church fathers is not like the others" contest. Your prize, a St. Josemaria Escriva holy card, will be delivered to you upon my return.
To the left here is a 19th century painting of the building which contains our classroom, the Schottenkirche and Benedictine monastery.
This morning we had the chance to see the Corpus Christi procession through the streets and then attend Mass at the Jesuit Kirche. The priest was very charismatic, although I could understand very little of his homily. He said something about going on the train to Salzburg and drinking a large can of beer, and then somehow related that incident to becoming a Jesuit and hearing this choir from Salzburg perform Mozart's Missa Brevis in D major, which we heard this morning as part of the service.
I have added a new link down in the lower right, which ought to take you to the British Library monline Mozart catalogue. Let me know if it works.
Tomorrow I am off to Salzburg for two days. I will not take the "Sound of Music" guided tour.
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