We just finished our last class and listened to “Soave Sia Il Vento” (my idea) to wish everyone a pleasant journey home. My colleagues are all scurrying around trying to see one last church, or one last museum, but Jim and I went and took photos of ourselves eating bananas in front of Freud’s house, which is on Berg street. I also stopped by the café Berg to buy some t-shirts as presents for people who have that last name.
There’s not much else to report. I am going out to Schonbrunn tomorrow to see the room where Mozart jumped onto Maria Theresa’s lap, get lost in the garden maze, and sit for hours at Café Dommayer.

The comments on my blog seem to have died way down. I guess the novelty has worn off for everyone. Oh, well. It’s just as well I’m coming back. A huge tour bus of Italians just arrived at the hotel; I congratulated them on their country winning the World Cup.
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