Just so you don’t think it’s all work and no play here, I will throw in a couple of pictures from our outing to the heurige, way up in the hills, with a lovely view of the vineyards, where a bunch of us went last night. Heurigen are rustic wine taverns that make their own wine from grapes they grow right there. In 1784 Joseph II decreed that each vintner in the suburbs of Vienna could sell his own wine right on his doorstep to paying guests. Whew! What an enlightened despot! Most of the heurigen are in a district called Grinzing, which is where Beethoven lived, and is conveniently to the north of Vienna, right where our hotel is.
Oh, I found this on the internet, on a Masonic history page:
"In pre-Christian China, one also found the Demiurge, Fu Hsih, and his female counterpart, N Kua, displaying the compass and square as symbols of their male and female creative powers."
So my instinct was correct. Fu is an ancient Chinese god.
At 9:59 PM,
Mahlon Meyer said…
I don't know about Fu being related to Fu Hsi, an early Chinese mythological figure. Fu actually means "father" with another pronunciation. Fu Nong is supposedly the founder of agriculture in ancient China. But I think it is a different "Fu."
By the way, I suppose I should read your thesis, but what exactly is the "end" of art, according to all these 19th century guys? I'd really like to know.
It sounds like you're having a fantastic time. You look very sweet in your photos. Your writing on these cultural phenomenona is really intriguing.I look forward to hearing about the Freud museum.
I wish you would spend some time in your blog talking about the "end" of art. I'm glad you didn't go to the Bush protest. You really sound in your element. I hope you're not neglecting your own musical background, or rather, not downplaying it, since you wrote two or three operas/musicals, one of which was staged at a collegiate level.
How's the food?
Love, your brother, deine bruder
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